All posts by sjlespta_admin

URGENT CALL FOR Yearbook Pictures

If you have any great pictures of SJLES events that you’d like to possibly be included in the newsletter, you can share them here. We desperately need pictures of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders! If we do not receive additional pictures, those grades will not have pictures in this year’s yearbook!.

Please keep these recommended guidelines in mind:

  1. Carefully review images and submit only the very best ones. Photos should follow school guidelines, not infringe on any copyrights, and so on.
  2. Apply images tags when uploading images (BTS Picnic, Trunk or Treat, Turkey Trot, etc.)
  3. Uploading photos does not guarantee they will be used in the yearbook. It’s up to the Yearbook Adviser and Staff to review and approve photos that are used.

Save the Date: Multicultural Night at SJLES

Multicultural Night is an opportunity for SJLES families to celebrate and share their unique heritage with the community and for everyone to celebrate the rich diversity at our school. This special night promotes empathy, acceptance and unity for us in our SJLES community.

  • Date: Monday, February 10th  (snow date: Thursday, February 29th)
  • Time: 6:00-8:00 PM 

It’s time for the SJLES PTA Read-A-Thon and Cozy Reading Day on January 10th!

Our school Read-A-Thon begins on Friday January 10, 2025 and is sure to be a fun and exciting event! We are kicking off the Read-A-Thon with a fun, in-school event, Cozy Reading Day! Students are invited to wear cozy clothing and bring a stuffed animal to school. Each classroom will have fun reading events during the school day!  

It’s not too early to sign up your student(s) to participate in the Read-A-Thon!

It’s a great opportunity to support their education. Get started by setting up a Read-A-Thon account. The process is quick and hassle-free, and it should take less than 5 minutes of your time. This account will serve as a hub for recording and monitoring your child’s progress as a Reader in the event, and for you to share their Read-A-Thon message with friends and family. Use the link below to activate your student’s Reader account:

Thank you so much for your participation and support. Together, we can make this Read-A-Thon an amazing experience for our young readers! Thank you,

Read-A-Thon Sponsorship Opportunities!

Do you own or manage a business that you’d like the SJLES community to know about? The SJLES Read-a-Thon is a fun and engaging way to get kids excited about reading while raising funds for the school community. The event kicks off just after the holidays in early January and offers ad sponsorship opportunities, giving your company a chance to be prominently displayed on all the fundraising pages throughout the program. Sign up as a corporate sponsor before the end of the year to take advantage of end-of-year giving opportunities and increasing visibility for your business, while also supporting a great cause!

Click HERE or visit and enter SJLES’ code: 60003 to learn more. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a meaningful impact while promoting your business! 

Yearbook Pictures

If you have any great pictures of SJLES events that you’d like to possibly be included in the newsletter, you can share them here:

Please keep these recommended guidelines in mind:

  1. Carefully review images and submit only the very best ones. Photos should follow school guidelines, not infringe on any copyrights, and so on.
  2. Apply images tags when uploading images (BTS Picnic, Trunk or Treat, Turkey Trot, etc.)
  3. Uploading photos does not guarantee they will be used in the yearbook. It’s up to the Yearbook Adviser and Staff to review and approve photos that are used.

SJLES Toy Drive

This year’s toy drive will support the organization, Believe in Tomorrow.

Their Mission: To provide exceptional hospital and respite housing services to critically ill children and their families. 

  • Hospital Housing: provides overnight accommodations, free of charge, to families of children receiving critical care treatment at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.
  • Respite Housing: provides families with the opportunity to escape from the stressful routine of medical treatments at a relaxing mountain or beach location.

Where: There will be two cardboard boxes outside the front office with signs attached. 

When: November 18th-December 18th. I will drop the donations off by December 20th. 

Wish List: NEW and UNWRAPPED Toys (young children through teens), Games/Activities for Teenagers, Coloring Books for all ages (small children and adults), Playing cards and Card Games, Board Games and Puzzles, Activity Books for all ages, Crayons.

Original Works Art Fundraiser (Due Oct 30th)

Looking for a unique gift for family and friends for birthdays or upcoming holidays? The SJLES PTA, Mrs. Peddicord and Ms. Skyles are here to help! Original Works is an art-based fundraising company who will transform your child’s artwork into products you can share or gift to family and friends. The money raised from this program goes primarily to the SJLES Art Department. This extra funding allows Mrs. Peddicord and Ms. Skyles to purchase additional materials that further enrich our SJLES art program and support our school-wide art displays as well as our annual Night of the Arts. 

Please keep an eye out for a packet coming home this week with everything you’ll need to create masterpieces with your child’s work. It will be due back to the school on Wednesday, October 30th.

Trunk or Treat: 10/26

The SJLES PTA’s FREE Trunk-or-Treat is coming up on Saturday, October 26th from 3-5pm! WE NEED your trunks and one volunteer to hand out candy!  Trunks must arrive between 2:00 pm – 2:20 pm.  We will not allow cars to drive through after 2:30pm for safety.  We are also having carnival games this year, so please sign up if you would like to host a game or provide one for the event.  If you would like to donate to the Goodies Fund, please follow this link to the Givebacks store. Thank you all who help us make this event one to remember for the kids!

Please sign up to decorate a trunk here:

Walk to School Day: 10/2

National Walk and Roll to School Day is coming up Wednesday October 2nd! Students can walk to school, from school, or both to earn a charm! Be sure to enter through the school’s rear entrance. PTA volunteers will be outside to distribute a charm to every student who participates. If you are only able to walk home from school, after your walk contact Liz Petrella at or Beverly Weber at with your child’s name and homeroom teacher, and we will make sure students receive their charms. Click here for details: Walk to School Day Details