PTA Meetings

For the 2024-2025 school year, PTA meetings will usually occur on the first or second Wednesday of every month. The first PTA meeting September 4th is at 6:30 pm, in-person, at SJLES. All subsequent meetings are virtual at 8:00 pm.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 9013 8573
Passcode: 643443

Meetings are an opportunity to hear more about what the PTA is working on throughout the year. It is also an opportunity to share thoughts and ideas with the school administrative and teaching staff.

If you have an agenda item you wish to discuss, please contact:

All members of the SJLES community are welcome at the SJLES PTA meetings – please come along! In order to vote and affect change within the PTA be sure to become a member for the 2024-2025 school year by joining the PTA here.

PTA Meeting Minutes

2024-2025 School Year

Coming Soon

Previous Years

Found on our archived information page

PTACHC Meeting Minutes

PTACHC Meeting Minutes