We would like to welcome you to the SJLES PTA.
Becoming a member helps support our faculty and students by providing a tax deductible donation. Please consider signing up to be a member on our Online Membership site. Or if you’d prefer to pay with cash or check, you could fill out this form or this form for staff and send it into school with your student or through the mail.
The SJLES PTA is a 501©3 nonprofit. All membership fees and donations are tax deductible (EIN 52-1333666).
Why Join the PTA?
The PTA is a very active group of parents, teachers, and administrators who meet once a month to discuss events and issues that involve our children.
By joining the PTA for the small, tax deductible, membership price of $12 for a one-parent household, or $30 for a two-parent household, you help support the PTA’s numerous activities and programs, including the Annual Turkey Trot, Book Fair, and May Day celebration.
Does joining the PTA obligate me to volunteer?
No: your membership does not come along with any hidden obligations or expectations. Please be assured that the PTA is putting your money to work by funding activities that directly support our school.
That said, volunteering is an enriching experience that not only enables you to become involved in your child’s school, but also to get to know other PTA members. And of course, without volunteers, we simply could not run events for our school–especially the major ones, such as Turkey Trot and the annual May Day celebration.
What do I have to do to become a member?
To join the 400+ PTA members of SJLES, simply visit our membership site and choose the membership that is right for you. Each member signed up on the registration form can vote during PTA meetings.
Remember: each parent, grandparent, friend or neighbor who cares about an SJLES student is invited to become a PTA member! Each membership costs only $12 per individual/$30 per family. You may also want to make a tax deductible donation of $75 or an amount of your choosing.