Canopies Still Needed!
We’d love to provide more shade at May Day! If you can lend a canopy, we still need a few more. Please sign up right here and it will be ready to be returned to you by Saturday evening. Thank you so much!
May Day Entertainment Schedule
- 1:00 p.m. – Cub Scout Troop 944 Opening Ceremony, followed by Mt. Hebron HS Color Guard
- 2:00 p.m. – Kangaroo Kids
- 3:00 p.m. – Kavanagh Porter Academy of Irish Dance
- 4:00 p.m. – Bach to Rock student band, “Thunder Jam!”
Visit the Staff Appreciation Station at May Day!
Staff Appreciation Week is next week, May 8-12…and at this year’s May Day Festival, you’ll have a chance to help kick off the fun! Just stop by the Staff Appreciation Station and write a note of gratitude and encouragement for our excellent SJLES staff! You can thank homeroom teachers, related arts teachers, paraeducators, custodians, health room staff, front office staff…ANY teacher or staff member you can think of who has made a difference for your students! And if you’d like to do even more for our teachers, check out this Signup Genius to donate items for next week!
Silent Auction Highlights
Local businesses and community members have been so generous with donations for the Silent Auction. There is something for everyone, including spa outings, baseball tickets, restaurant gift cards, wine tasting events, tickets to area attractions, and so much more. But your Jaguars might be most interested in a feature called “Priceless Experiences” with SJLES staff! These include pizza parties, bonus arts-and-crafts time, donut snack times, teachers’ helpers opportunities, and even challenging Mr. Notari and Ms. Coleman to a basketball game! Here are just some of the treasures that will be up for bid:
- Front row tickets to 5th Grade Graduation
- A chance to THROW A PIE at a teacher at Field Day!
- $1,000 gift card to Dr. Alfred J. Maskeroni Orthodontics
- $300 math tutoring with Ivy Math
- Fine jewelry from Sergio’s, Smyth’s, and St. John’s Jewelers
- Merriweather Post Pavilion gift certificate
- A one-night stay at Turf Valley Resort
- Baltimore Symphony Orchestra tickets
- $200 Big Screen Store gift card
- And so much more!